Explore With Avni - Blog

"Cloth Pads are a Sin" - A Social Perception -Myth or Fact?
We live in a modern world. A world where traditional practices are questioned for being conventional and a misfit. Speaking about questioning, how can we forget the good old Cloth Pads, which oft...
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Do Panty Liners Cause Yeast Infections?
Do panty liners cause Yeast infections? Well, who here hasn't wondered about that? Pantyliners are used by women for a variety of reasons, such as light bladder leakage and menstrual flow. But if ...
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Why menstrual cup IS NOT the right product for you?
The recent rise in ‘sustainable’ and environment friendly products has not left the feminine hygiene industry much behind. Reusable products, especially menstrual cups, are gaining in popularity bu...
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Why can't I insert and remove my cup properly? Tips and tricks
For first time users, Menstrual Cups can be jarringly intimidating. Especially for the desi diaspora where insertion of anything into the vagina is considered taboo. While, for a lot of people, swi...
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My Menstrual Cup Makes Me Feel Like Peeing!!!! (And Other Concerns)
If trying a menstrual cup for the first time wasn’t daunting enough already, wearing a menstrual cup can often give rise to some major concerns and questions. With the internet divided and not much...
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How Menstrual Cups Became My New Best Friends
Around the time I was 14, when I was a little more than three years into my life as a menstruator, I stumbled upon a video where a bunch of American women tried menstrual cups. I told my mum about ...
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Does your Period Sync With Your Roommate?
If films and TV shows are to be believed the ultimate sign of female friendship or camaraderie is the converted ‘cycle sync’. It is estimated that almost 80% of women believe in this effect. While ...
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6 Ways to express love for your girl
Are you feeling like the spark in your relationship has faded? No worries, dear! Rekindling the flame of love is easier than you think. Here's a little secret: the key to a strong and lasting relat...
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Food Habits for A Regular Period Cycle
You all must have heard the famous saying, 'let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food'. Food, dear friends, is the combination of good and bad medicine. When you eat what your body n...
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How to Relieve Period Cramps at Home?
Have you ever wondered why you get period cramps? That dull pain you feel down there is actually caused by several biological events and processes going on inside your body while you are on your pe...
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Diabetes & Menstrual Cycle: Everything You Need To Know
Whenever a woman is diagnosed with diabetes, she's pretty much told to just deal with it. There's no real cure for diabetes, and while treatments can help keep the disease under control, it's still...
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Menstruation and its myths around the world
There are a lot of myths that surround menstruation. It is truly unbelievable how many myths circulate in the world about this natural process. Some of these you may have heard yourself, and some a...
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